
Fazenda Sol Nascente

Michell & Nájilla Miranda

Minas Gerais - Mantiqueira

1 200 meters

Red Catuaí, Mundo Novo and Catucaí

A drone view of the Brazilian coffee farm Fazenda Sol Nascente
A drone view of the Brazilian coffee farm Fazenda Sol Nascente

Farm story:

It’s a family production, it has passed through the 19th century, a time when the cycle of coffee became the most important economic activity in Brazil.

This Brazilian coffee farm is located in Campanha, a city in the South of Minas Gerais, Mantiqueira region, a spectacular area with astonishing landscapes and an altitude of 1,200 meters, one of the reasons why the coffee from there has a great quality. They produce in this farm varietals Red Catuaí, Mundo Novo and Catucaí.

Mantiqueira de Minas region:

This region is in the state of Minas Gerais. It has a terroir favorable to the production of specialty coffee, due to altitudes between 900 and 1 500 meters, the climate, and very fertile soil. There are 25 municipalities, and 8,095 producers, of which 82% are small, 57,000 cultivated hectares, produce 1,370,000 bags (60 kg) every year.